SDR and GNURadio Course Outline
1. What is Radio ? What is Software Defined Radio ?2. Generalize SDR Architecture
3. The well known SDR platforms
RTL-SDR, plutoSDR, SDRDuo, HackRF, AirSpy HF+, FunCube Dongle Pro+, KX3, IC7610,
Perseus, USRP B205mini, SunSDR2, Flex6500
4. Remote Operation
WebSDR, OpenWebRX
0. Most used SDR software SDR#, HDSDR, SDR-Console, SDRuno, Linrad, gqrx, GNURadio1. What is GNURadio ? What inside of the GNURadio ? What is its capability and Why is it required ?
2. GNU Radio Live SDR Environment (Run without installation)
3. GNURadio installation – Linux and Windows environment
4. GNURadio experiment – examples and practice (basic blocks function and AM/FM radio)
5. Advanced techniques – Out Of Tree (
6. Q&A and supplements (GRCon and FOSDEM meeting agenda)
FUNcube Dongle Pro+ Block Diagram
HackRF One Block Diagram
SDR Comparison Table
SDR Comparison Table in searchable format
Presentation material: 01_sdr and gnuradio_wjlee20190228_2in1.pdf
(hardware related sheets in black background, software related sheets in blue background and the information related sheets in green background)