0. GNURadio Installation
a. Linux Installation
From scratch
Install Dependencies(Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or Mint Tara)
sudo apt-get -y install git cmake g++ python-dev swig \
pkg-config libfftw3-dev libboost-all-dev libcppunit-dev libgsl-dev \
libusb-dev libsdl1.2-dev python-wxgtk3.0 python-numpy python-cheetah \
python-lxml doxygen libxi-dev python-sip libqt4-opengl-dev libqwt-dev \
libfontconfig1-dev libxrender-dev python-sip python-sip-dev python-qt4 \
python-sphinx libusb-1.0-0-dev libcomedi-dev libzmq3-dev python-mako \
Installing GNU Radio
git clone --recursive http://git.gnuradio.org/git/gnuradio.git
cd gnuradio; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ../; make; sudo make install
From repository
sudo apt-get install gnuradio
b. Load Gnuradio Live ISO with Virtual machine
c. Burn Gnuradio Live ISO to USB thumb drive or DVDD
Unetbootin location https://unetbootin.github.io/
d. Install GNURadio in Windows
run “*\GNURadio-3.7\bin\volk-profile.exe” to optimization computer performance after the installation
start GnuRadio Companion(GRC)
1. My first project – Function Generator
Used blocks: Options, Variable, Signal Source, Noise Source, Add, Multiple Const, Audio Sink, QT GUI Range, QT GUI Chooser, QT GUI Sink
GRC file: function generator
2. DTMF Tone Generator
Used blocks: Options, Variable, Signal Source, Selector, Add, Multiple Const, Audio Sink, QT GUI Chooser, Throttle, QT GUI Sink, QT GUI Time Sink, Null Source, Null Sink
GRC file: DTMF Tone Generator
3. X-Y Plot
Used Blocks: Option, Variable, Signal Source, QT GUI Range, Float to Complex, Throttle, QT GUI Sink
GRC file: X-Y plot with QT GUI
4. Tunable Bandpass Filter
Used blocks: Options, Variable, Noise Source, Throttle, Band-Pass Filter Taps, Band Pass Filter, FFT Filter, QT GUI Range, QT GUI Sink
GRC file: Tunable Band Pass Filter
5. AM Demod – From USRP recorded signal
Used blocks: Options, Variable, File Source, Signal Source, Add, Multiply, Multiply Const, Rational Resampler, Complex To Mag, DC Blocker, Low Pass Filter, QT GUI Range, QT GUI Time Sink, QT GUI Sink, Audio Sink
USRP recorded file: am_usrp710.dat (Dr. Katz course project)
GRC file: AM demodulation from recorded file
6. AM/DSB-SC/USB/LSB Modulation
Used blocks: Options, Variable, Noise Source, Signal Source, Add Const, Multiply, Selector, Low Pass Filter, Band Pass Filter, QT GUI Chooser, QT GUI Time Sink, QT GUI Sink
GRC file: AM/DSB-SC/SSB modulation
7. RTL-SDR FM tuner
RTL-SDR driver installation for GNU Radio(Zadig)
Used blocks: Options, Variable, RTL-SDR Source, Multiply Const, Low Pass Filter, WBFM Receiver, Rational Resampler, QT GUI Range, QT GUI Time Sink, Audio Sink, QT GUI Sink, QT GUI Waterfall Sink
GRC file: RTL-SDR FM TunerGnuradio experiments collection: gnuradio experiments.zip
Presentation material for the experiment: 02_gnuradio experiments_wjlee20190228_2in1.pdf
Where to find more useful information: 03_grcon and fosdem_20190228_2in1.pdf