1. Raspberry Pi(RPi) connect with power and network only
2. use Xshell4(SSH protocol) to connect the RPi in terminal mode
3. start the VNC server in RPi and connect TightVNC in Window mode
4. transfer the data between RPi and computer with Winscp
Step 1 power and network connection
Step 2: Xshell4 connection
( is RPi's IP assigned by my DHCP serveri, 5901 is the VNC connection default port)
Step 3: tightVNC connection setup and connected screen picture
Step 4: Winscp connection
a. The router will play as DHCP server and RPi will request an IP address from the DHCP server
b. Use Ws_ping ProPack to scan the network for finding the RPi assigned IP or open the DHCP server UI to assign a fixed IP to RPi
c. RPi will start the SSH server automatically(see /etc/rc2.d/S02ssh). To use the SSH client(Xshell4 or SecureCRT) to connect RPi
d. For X Window access, install tightVNC server as "sudo apt-get install tightvncserver", then start vncserver as "vncserver"
e. tightVNC viewer to connect vncserver(vncserver password need provided)
f. Winscp to work as ftp clinet to upload/download to RPi
Good sides for this connection
a. RPi need connect power and network only,no USB keyboard and mouse, neither to concern about HDMI or Video setting to get high resolution output. SSH connection will use less system resource
b. The desktop PC can connect Internet and Rpi same time. To Google the question and cut-and-paste result to SSH terminal for trying